The patient trendscoping study:
The future of health from the patient's perspective

Talking about trends requires nuances – trend intensity might be different by country, or by generation, so it’s important to have data to understand which trends are the most relevant in which area.

So in partnership with Hall & Partners, we’ve developed the Patient Trendscoping study, a self-funded quantitative study with 10,500 consumers in US, UK, Germany, China, Japan.

This cutting-edge study aims at understanding the key trends shaping the future of health, for a patient point of view. How ready are people to accept AI in healthcare? To share their health data? To use digital therapeutics?

The study explores how people:

Manage their health

Manage their health

  • Patient empowerment
  • Proactive lifestyle changes
  • Attitudes to vaccines
  • Support of family caregivers
  • Mental health
  • Digital health apps

Expect to Receive Care

Expect to Receive Care

  • Relationship with doctor
  • Discrimination
  • Health at home
  • Digital therapeutics
  • Connected devices
  • Data sharing & trust
  • Role for AI and VR

Inform their decision making

Inform their decision making

  • Sources of information most trusted
  • Online sources and influencers
  • Patient role in decision making
  • Role of family caregivers

Deep diving into specific patient groups

The study offers the possibility to look at emerging patient trends through many different lenses:


This research provides a robust sample size to uncover key patient trends for most common diagnoses in many diseases areas, such as gastro-intestinal, cardiovascular, respiratory…


Gastro-intestinal conditions

  • Crohn’s Disease
  • UC
  • IBS
  • GERD

Skin Conditions

  • Atopic Dermatitis
  • Psoriasis
  • Chronic Urticaria
  • Vitiligo

Cardiovascular or metabolic conditions

  • Hypertension
  • Hypercholesterol
  • Chronic Heart Failure
  • Coronary Artery Disease
  • Type 1 & 2 Diabetes

Respiratory conditions

  • Asthma
  • COPD
  • Chronic Cough

Chronic Pain

  • Back Pain
  • OA
  • Post-surgical Pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Migraines

Kidney / Liver conditions

  • CKD
  • NASH

Mental Health

  • Depression

Autoimmune condition

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Multiple Sclerosis

Unique insights at the heart of what we do

The Patient Trendscoping Study is a treasure chest of insights. And robust insights make better foresight!

We use the Patient Trendscoping Study to enrich our internal thinking about trends, and we share our non-obvious patient insights at conferences or in webinars.

With the Patient Trendscoping data, we have also helped our clients: 

Better understand emerging patient expectations

Identify ways to better inform and activate patients and their caregivers

Uncover the profile of early adopters for digital health innovations

Curious to know more about the Patient Trendscoping Study? Discover our case studies:

Patient and HCP Activation on risk awareness

Harnessing patients trends, emerging expectations and behaviours to find new ways to activate patients and HCPs

Digital health innovation: profile of early adopters

Understanding adopter and non-adopter profiles with segmentation analysis

An eye on 2035: The Next-Gen contact lenses

Envisioning the world in 2035 to understand the future potential context(s), drivers and barriers to use contact lenses in 2035

Start-up coaching: Trends to watch in clinical trials

Helping start-ups understand how to use trends and foresight to strengthen their innovative solution and pitch