The future of health:
Our experience in Rare Diseases

A rare disease is a condition that affects less than 65 individuals over 100,000, according to the WHO. There are between 6,000 to 8,000, so all together, it is estimated that rare diseases affect up to 5%-6% of the world population… so not so rare, really!

Three key facts about rare diseases:

Majority of rare diseases (50 % to 75%) start presenting in childhood

Patients may take years or decades to receive the right diagnosis

80% of rare diseases have a genetic origin

We’ve worked on a couple of projects covering these specificities: 

Revamping a patient programme for adult patients, but also children and their parents: what are the key trends to activate for different age groups?

Understanding the future challenges of gene therapy: mapping the patient and caregiver journey, with today’s gaps and tomorrow’s expectations

Rare Diseases - Think Next
Rare Diseases - Think Next
Rare Diseases - Think Next

Explore our case studies

Rare conditions we’ve worked on: short bowel syndrome (SBS), muscular dystrophy

Upgrading Patient Support Programme: Key Trends For Ideation

Proposing innovative ideas to improve a patient support programme and deliver a better patient experience

The patient journey in rare disease, today and tomorrow

Mapping today’s patient journey and articulating how it would evolve in the future with gene therapy