Case Study

Innovation with connected drug device

Investigating the opportunity for a connected drug device with patients & caregivers – a winning case for change?
Innovation with connected drug device - Think Next
Connected drug delivery device
Innovation with connected drug device - Think Next

Key Deliverables

Co-creation workshops with patients, doctors and caregivers
patients surveyed
clickable prototype tested
potential revenue drivers evaluated


A pharma company preparing for a major product launch

Key Question

Shall we develop a connected drug delivery device?

Our approach

We started with understanding patient pain points and opportunities for digital interventions. Using personas and patient journeys, we helped the client “walk in the patient’s shoes” and ideate on possible solution features.

We ran co-creation workshops with patients, doctors and caregivers to test these ideas and to develop them into a clickable prototype. To build a global view, we also ran quantitative research in five markets, to compare patient expectations across countries and evaluate potential demand.

Armed with data and patient feedback from different countries, we defined which features the connected device and its companion app should have, assessed how our client could work with partners to bring the device to market, and shaped the business case.


Innovation with connected drug device - Think Next
Innovation with connected drug device - Think Next
Innovation with connected drug device - Think Next
Concept testing with HCPs, patients and caregivers

Client Feedback

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