Case Study

Digital strategy: the patient of the future

Anticipating patients’ expectations for digital health in 5 years to future-proof digital strategy
Digital strategy: the patient of the future - Think Next
Digital strategy: the patient of the future - Think Next
Digital strategy: the patient of the future - Think Next

Key Deliverables

patient trends
scenarios created
interviews with patients and futurists
‘future patient’ personas


A pharma company looking to propose a compelling, coherent and patient-centric vision for its digital health strategy

Key Question

What will be a patient’s standard expectations for digital health in five years time?

Our approach

We started with 25+ stakeholder interviews in 10 countries to get their views on emerging trends at local and global levels. We ran an external innovation review to identify trends most likely to impact patients’ behaviours, beliefs and expectations in five years, leading to a framework of 22 trends to assess and rank with internal teams.

Based on the key trends prioritized, we developed four potential scenarios for 2027. We pressure-tested them with external experts, patients and caregivers to assess likelihood and desirability of each scenario. We explored and ranked these scenarios with internal teams, and we defined the implications for the digital agenda in three key disease areas.

The results

The outputs of the scenario workshop were socialized widely across multiple teams usually working in silos: commercial & product development, digital health, IT, innovation hubs & patient-centricity.

This helped our client to align on a vision of patients’ expectations and behaviors in the future, and to define long-range opportunities in 3 disease areas.

Exemplary feedback

Key words from feedback provided by participants at trend workshops:

Client Feedback

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